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Chronograph VII:

Day I ... The sowing of the cosmos




At last... day 1 had started
The dawn of creation
The very first dawn
On the very first day
We'd already made stardust
And we'd lit up the heavens
But we'd so much left to do
So much space to fill

We began with the stars
Bringing light to the cosmos
Scintillating gemstones
On a blanket of jet
And we moulded the stardust
Into orbiting satellites
Lifeless as yet, but ready
For the wonders to come

To help spread those wonders
We charged an army of servants
The first of our angels
Six-winged Seraphim
And we sent those seraphs winging
In every direction
Hosts of shining spirits
Sowing stars in their wake

And round each of these suns
With the dust from their travels
They moulded more satellites
To orbit their stars
And they set these globes spinning
Upon their own axes
So all their surface would spend
Some time gazing at the light

For each of the planets
Would be lit by their star's face
Whilst the side looking spaceward
Would be eclipsed and in the dark
And these periods of darkness
We called the night time
Whilst those spent in the light
Became the hours of the day

With all the stars readied
And positioned in the heavens
Day and night being experienced
For the very first time
And the whole of creation
Fanned across our vision
At the ending of this first day
We knew that it was good


click below to find out what happened next
as we started to play with creation's tools!

.....don't forget to come back for more... this site will be updated regularlyfrom "the Jesus chronographs"
by Stefan Lewis-Fish
(December 14, 2004)