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Chronograph IX:

The third morning sees the creation of the Earth




It's now the third day since creation's first dawn
And I want you to look to a solitary star
See... it's a typical sun... burning bright in the heavens
Giving light, warmth and order to nine orbiting worlds

Now focus on one of those planets... the third in its system
It was much younger then, an uninviting place
And in the shadow of space it formed a shell that grew harde
Tho' with fire in its belly, it proved a unstable crust

Still constantly changing as its elements battled
Producing awesome displays of primordial power
With volcanoes erupting, spewing molten lava
Spitting poisonous gas and hurling rocks in the air

To calm all these passions We made masses of water
Which forced a restless peace when they fell from the skies
And while the crust was cooling, it cracked and splintered
Forming tectonic plateau which embraced its sti
ll molten core

The floating plates drifted, often crashing and crumpling
Raising vast mountain ranges whose peaks scratched the sky
Whilst below them their valleys made a home for the waters
Which rushed into the vacuum to claim their domain

This tidal surge became trapped inside the world's trenches
Filling the cauldrons of creation which enveloped the seas
This left a desolate landscape dr
ying out in the sunlight
So completing the canvas which for you is the Earth

Yet, still, Our day hadn't ended, just the morning was over
And to oversee the next stage We went to walk on the land
Where We looked out to the waves that were churning the soup mix
Mingling molecules that'd encrypt all Our secrets of new life...


click below to find out how the Jesus chronographs
came about and then come back soon 'cos there are many,
many, more amazing revelations and the best is yet to come!

.....don't forget to come back for more... this site will be updated regularlyfrom "the Jesus chronographs"
by Stefan Lewis-Fish
(December 29, 2004)