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Chronograph III:

A brand new start...


It was Day -7 again
We'd had a false start
So we reset the time clock
(see Chronograph 2)

You see Me and meDad
And Spooky, His Spirit
We'd dropped a few clangers
So We had to restart

We had a strong sense of being
As a 3-in-1 godhead
A tough idea to grasp, perhaps
But We three are most definitely one

We'd been born of the one Word
With a solitary intention
And a single-minded driver
We still act as one

Though We have differing functions
And modus operandi
Our empathic symbiosis
Defines our gestalt

Putting an end to Our boredom
Became Our main obsession
And We'd decided that creation
Would relieve Our ennui

To those who are used to
Our apparent perfection
That We could make mistakes
Must seem rather Weird

But We were just starting
Testing out Our power
About Our own limitations
We had no idea

We thought Ourselves all knowing
And that simply with Our say-so
Backed up with Our willpower
Would make things come to be

But We got Our comeuppance
It simply wasn't to be so
So when We issued instructions
Nothing happened at all

So this time...
We decided to be scientists
Determining facts
From what We could observe

From these facts...
We Developed Our theories
And by testing them out
We began to form rules

From Our experimentation
With empirical data
We got to grip with those rules
And learned the art of control

We subjected our conclusions
To countless questions
With Me against Spooky
And Dad against Us both

This helped Us all
To develop Our humility
To recognise Our real limits
And to dispose of Our pride

So over time...
After countless millennia
As you would understand them
We felt nearly there

Creation We decided
Wouldn't be just a happening
It was an emerging process
Coming out of Our dreams

First We'd release the energy
Then compress it to matter
And from this dusty beginning
We'd make a heavenly array

We'd send out shining lights
To seed existence
To illuminate Our progress
And provide delights for Our eyes

From this myriad of lights
We would make Our galaxies
Vast constellations
Shooting through the skies

Around each of these twinklings
Which We would now call the stars
We would coalesce orbiting satellites
To revolve round their suns

The stars would radiate heat and light
To bathe their newly born planets
Which would in their turn attract Moon spheres
Whilst all would reflect the celestial glow

Thinking We might just be ready
We'd double checked Our resources
Completely re-greased all the engines
And Dad whispered, "Let there be light"

WOW... We've created the stardust
And there are lights in the heavens
And, in the dawn of existence
It was only Day 1 but We knew it was good


click below to hear a word from meDad!

.....don't forget to come back for more... this site will be updated regularlyfrom "the Jesus chronographs"
by Stefan Lewis-Fish
(November 18, 2004)